Charlie Academy is an institution where students go on the path of Defence + competition after 10th and 12th standard. In the first year of academy, he started studying GK, Reasoning, English, Mathematics, Physics subjects etc. along with written practice. The atmosphere of the academy is such that the student has no choice. This secluded and energetic atmosphere is proving to be a milestone for a disciplined career,with the crowd of the city.
Charlie Academy is specialized to train for INDIAN ARMY, BSF, CISF, SSB, ITBP. We prepare the candidate for written examination and all face to face (SSB) Interviews (for both Men & Women) But Many Students After 10th & 12th class, students select different paths. Many students get engaged in the preparation for medical and engineering. After 10th & 12th class, many students choose a path of degree courses. Mostly, it is seen that during three years of graduation, students have the mentality that they will make preparation for competition exams. Due to this they pass the whole graduation degree in ordinary study. Many students study only on exam days. In the free atmosphere of colleges, many students choose other paths leaving the main path of their career. Most students prepare for competition after graduation, but they do not stay on any platform in their life.
All to know in New Delhi (India), Charlie Academy has begun a start training for the understudies who are starting to go in defence administrations. After class 10th & 12th, Physical and Written preparation for Best Indian army, BSF, CISF, ITBP, CRPF, RPF, Delhi Police, Other State Police Preparation...Our Academy for the understudies of 11th - 12th SSC/Police Officer Entrance Exams, where understudies make groundwork for board tests alongside Defence administrations. Our best physical and written preparation will definitely be an achievement for the understudies and Defence Service who choose to make a profession in Indian army or other administrations on National level..
In a few years of establishing Charlie Academy, Our hundreds of students are doing government jobs after being selected in Indian Army, CISF, ITBP, RPF, Police, Commando, SSC GD etc. I am glad that through Charlie Academy ordinary families are becoming a support for their family after getting a government job at the age of 17-18. These students can join second service after being retired from first service at the age of around 35.